
Scrap GO-GO is a web scraping tool that allows you to scrape data from gogoAnime. The tool provides three routes: Search, Info, and Episode. The Search route allows you to search for anime based on a keyword. The Info route provides detailed information about a specific anime. The Episode route provides links to watch episodes of a specific anime.


Technical details regarding the usage of the Info route for Scrap Go-Go can be found below. Example code is provided for JavaScript.

Route Schema (URL)

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required? Default
id string The id; i.e. the id of the anime you are looking for. Yes None

Request Samples

  import axios from "axios";
  // Using the example id "jujutsu-kaisen-tv-2nd-season".
  const url = "";
  const data = async () => {
      try {
          const { data } = await axios.get(url);
          return data;
      } catch (err) {
          throw new Error(err.message);

Response Schema

      "success": boolean,
      "statusCode": string,
      "error": string|null,
            "id": string,
            "title": string | ITitle,
            "url": string,
            "image": string,
            "releaseDate": string,
            "episodes": [
                    "id": string,
                    "number": number,
                    "url": string
            "totalEpisodes": number,
            "description": string,
            "genre": string[],

    } |null`


Technical details regarding the usage of the Episode route for Scrap Go-Go can be found below. Example code is provided for JavaScript.

Route Schema (URL)

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required? Default
Episode_id string The Episode_id; i.e. the id of the episode you are looking for. Yes None

Request Samples

  import axios from "axios";
  // Using the example Episode_id "one-piece-episode-1".
  const url = "";
  const data = async () => {
      try {
          const { data } = await axios.get(url);
          return data;
      } catch (err) {
          throw new Error(err.message);

Response Schema

      "success": boolean,
      "statusCode": string,
      "error": string|null,
            "url": string,
            "isM3U8": boolean,
            "quality": string,